Carnival Edge: New and Selected Poems This collection draws work from 5 of Gallagher's previous collections, together with a substantial body of new work. Born in Australia, Gallagher moved to Paris before settling in London. She draws on a rich inheritance from these different worlds in her poetry, which is always rooted in a passionate sense of discovery and attention to place.
To be able to follow, within a single volume, the evolution and refinement of a poet of Gallagher's subtlety and integrity is a fascination in itself. At its best, this is delicate, straight talking — a poetics that yokes inner generosity to outward reticence, a guileless paredness reminiscent of outback. Coming in from the heat, it's not always clear whether these poems dance or simply walk; but with a turn of phrase, a shoe-tight image, an elegant sleight of foot, everything is transformed. Reading Gallagher, one recognises there are ways of walking that are also dance.
Mario Petrucci Katherine Gallagher is a fervent watcher of the world. Like the watcher in her poem Orchid she is also a global traveller , and this informs all of her work. Her past, that antipodean patchwork , is also a rich resource comprising memory and discovery, a place where weather's a way of life ... Landscape, war, family, the gains and losses of life, plus aerial meditations during long flights — all shine forth in the wide range of her subject matter, wrought in vivid colours. Gallagher is a poet of the eye, the rainbow and of all the feeling senses. In Manifesto , from the final section of new poems which crown this volume, she says: ... Bring out your gambler, / risk-taker. Surprise yourself. This book attests to the energy and insight of that statement.
Penelope Shuttle ISBN: 978-1906570-42-2 (pbk), 978-1906570-43-9 (hbk)
Price: £11.99 (pbk), £14.99 (hbk)
Dimensions: 216 x 138 mm
Pages: 176 Published April 2010
» About Katherine Gallagher