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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

From A Cliff

From A Cliff

by Andy Brown

From A Cliff explores themes of landscape, identity, movement and change. Standing on the high border between land and sea, the reader looks back over the 'Land' of Part 1, and finds both rural and urban arenas of exploration. The word 'arena', derived from the Latin for 'sand', informs the poems in the next two sections — 'Sea' and 'Shifting Tides'.

From A Cliff is rich with borders and edges. From the cliff of the title, the self jumps with a seriously philosophic humour away from the edge of the known self; away from the edge of the known land; away from the edge of the known language. These poems pull off surprising feats along the precarious edge of predictability.

...fine poems, varied in form and subject, assured in their music and beautifully integrating thought and feeling.

Weyfarers no. 93, April 2003

...a welcome depth and seriousness. He is a poet in love with ideas...

Stride Magazine, 2003

Brown moves from the lyrical to the analytical with an apparent seamlessness. The work here is full of quietly startling moments.


Andy Brown is one of our most interesting and exciting younger poets. His work combines deep, moving lyricism with a readiness for daring, but always convincing, experimentation.

John Burnside

58 pages
Published June 2002
ISBN 1 900072 31 9
Published June 2002

» About Andy Brown