by Brian Henry
Part of our Arc International Poets series
This is Brian Henry's second collection from Arc. In his citation for the 2001 George Bogin Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, which Brian Henry won with this collection, Donald Revell writes: "I honor and admire these poems for their groundwork understanding. Here, oppression is shown forth as a condition of language, a violence of syntax. And here, in resistance to oppression, extraordinariness lifts a beautiful, if harried, affirming sound. With signal integrity, the poet exploits no popular catastrophe but chooses, instead, to enter the mythic heart of catastrophe, there to make new myths."
...a fierce intensity blended with a conversational style. ...a highly intelligent, original and moving collection.
Henry's wildly comprehensive lexicon and stylistic bag of tricks take us travelling through traditional and experimental poetic worlds. Few poems today induce aesthetic delirium and delight like Henry's best.
...exploring desire, obsession, ambivalence and heartbreak. Inchoate yearning seems more important than consummation. ...fascinating, complex and, perhaps all too often, right on.
72 pages
ISBN 1 900072 73 4
Published October 2003