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50 years at the cutting edge of poetry publishing

“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez



by Glyn Maxwell

The Tale of the Green Children of Suffolk
A play in verse

One summer's day, the peaceful life of a Suffolk village is disturbed for ever by a strange visitation. Who are the two children who seem to have come from nowhere, speak no English, will eat no food and, most terrible of all, are green from head to toe? The twelfth-century monks who chronicled the incident could offer no rational explanation. Are the children something to fear, to threaten, to exploit, to lust after, to love? Are they freaks or angels, imps or imposters? Wolfpit anatomises English society faced by dreadful choices, a known world trembling on the verge of the miraculous.

Maxwell's inexhaustible stock of invention and his commitment to traditional forms gives this enterprise a unique solidity.


80 pages
ISBN 1 900072 11 4
Published January 1996

» About Glyn Maxwell