The True Height of the Ear
by Iain Galbraith
In this masterful first book of original poems, Iain Galbraith explores how people's actions and experiences shape not only their own lives but the world around them. His poems are full of sharp observations and a level of detail which ground the reader in whichever world he presents, and while the settings vary from the mundane to the epic the language never fails to retain a sense of the fantastical. Through his words Galbraith is able to to take us on an emotional journey through love, grief, hope and discontent. After years of experience writing and translating poetry, The True Height of the Ear acts as evidence of Galbraith's comfort in writing in a variety of different styles, creating a book of poems which consistently entice his readers.
Iain Galbraith has that rare twofold gift — a keen ear for the music in language and an eye for the specifics that we so often miss, as we go about our distracted business. Here is poetry that returns us to the given world with a sense, both of wonder, and of the keenest appreciation, slowed enough, for a time, to give every last detail its due.
In The True Height of the Ear acclaimed translator Iain Galbraith brings his remarkable ear for the music of words to its true height: the writing of his own intricate, sensual and self-aware poetry. Galbraith works language and form like a jeweller, his sheer revelling joy in the creation of poems is held in balance by the elegaic and philosophical tone of this collection.
Whether he is speaking of artifacts, landscapes, or characters, Iain Galbraith offers poems driven by intense regard, both in the operation of the poet's eye and of his language. Galbraith's aim is not something as ordinary as understanding; it's to make us see and sense, to make us feel the rightness and accuracy, and the haunting mystery, of experience and of memory. Then again, that's what the best poets always do.
Paperback 9781911469292
Hardback 9781911469308
Published July 2018

» Video: Iain Galbraith, Ledbury 2018