Those April Fevers
by Mary O'Donnell
Intergalactic, these poems travel from outer space via the moon to coffee tables at a luxuriously considered pace. In doing so they crackle with precision, dance between love and horror, curiosity and wonder. The narrators are as diverse as their subjects, their tones ranging through wry, wistful, lusty and political. There is surrealism here, a world turned upside down by climate change, newly-charged mythologies that shake what we thought we understood about the order of things, and our relationships. This vibrant collection, building on the rich strengths of The Ark Builders, also serves as a generous introduction to her work to those yet to discover her expansive visions and powerful voice.
Mary O'Donnell's has always been one of the fierce voices of poetry: in all her themes, whether intimate, public, reflective or mythic, there is a common fearlessness of vision coupled with profound and sometimes unexpected and humane understanding. O'Donnell articulates a mature, vital, angry, political consciousness entirely fitting as the nation reaches the centenary of its most disruptive and revolutionary moment. What an imagination this is for our day.
Technically adventurous and emotionally powerful, Mary O'Donnell's beautiful new work is simply perfect and breath-taking. The meditative atmosphere of 'The world is mine' finds a true counter-balance in her acute social sense, thus the consoling world of nature, seasons and travel, are but a backdrop to O'Donnell's complex sense of human politics. This will be one of my books of the year.
Mary O'Donnell's new poems sparkle like frost — the language is sharp, the images exact and surprising. She is concerned with experience, with what endures in relationships, art and nature; courageous in exploring threats — climate change, violence and misogyny. Her responses to the latter are fresh and subversive rather than doom-laden and stock angry. This is a collection to treasure like the amber she seeks in the opening poem.
978 1908376 57 2 pbk
978 1908376 58 9 hbk
978 1908376 59 6 ebk
96 pages
Published April 2015