Intergalactic, these poems travel from outer space via the moon to coffee tables at a luxuriously considered pace. In doing so they crackle with precision, dance between love and horror, curiosity and wonder. The narrators are as diverse as their subjects, their tones ranging through wry, wistful, lusty and political. There is surrealism here, a world turned upside down by climate change, newly-charged mythologies that shake what we thought we understood about the order of things, and our relationships. This vibrant collection, building on the rich strengths of The Ark Builders, also serves as a generous introduction to her work to those yet to discover her expansive visions and powerful voice.
978 1908376 57 2 pbk
978 1908376 58 9 hbk
978 1908376 59 6 ebk
96 pages Published April 2015