A Certain Koslowski: The Director's Cut
by Michael Augustin
translated by Sujata Bhatt and Margitt Lehbert
Part of our Arc Translations series edited by Jean Boase-Beier
'Is it true,' someone asks, 'that regardless of what one asks you, one always receives a wrong answer?' 'That's right!' says Koslowski.
Koslowski is everyone and no one, a tragic figure who stumbles through life in resigned bewilderment at the trials and bizarre coincidences thrown in his path. These brief prose pieces have a style and attraction all their own, by turns wonderfully surreal and laugh-out-loud funny.
With strange and beautiful illustrations by Hartmut Eïng, this new edition, 24 years on, includes brand-new pieces about Koslowski's life, loves and losses, alongside the classic texts from the original edition.
Koslowski swears, 'cross my heart and hope to die,' that many years ago he personally met Huckleberry Finn. 'But he is merely a literary character!' someone protests. 'So am I,' says Koslowski.
pbk 9781910345566
hbk 9781910345962
ebk 9781910345573
Published July 2016