Scent of the Unseen
by Mila Haugová
Bilingual English / Slovak edition
Translated by James Sutherland-Smith and Viera Sutherland-Smith, with an introduction by Fiona Sampson-->
Part of our Visible Poets series edited by Jean Boase-Beier
This first UK publication for Slovakia's leading woman poet concentrates on poetry written in the 1990s — perhaps Haugová's most fruitful period — poetry which moves decisively form the anecdotal mainstream to a poetry which partakes of what D. H. Lawrence termed the 'quick' of being.
Feminism and ancient myth have contributed to the fabric of Haugova’s work as have the Central European traditions of surrealism and hermeticism. However, the recurrence of motifs and symbols creates a pattern of meaning which is readily accessible to readers prepared to respond to the poems with all their senses and emotion as well as the rational part of their being.
Haugová offers a poetry which continually reaches beyond itself, taking us into what might be unseen at the start of a poem but which is palpably evident once the poem has penetrated the pores of our skin.
My poems open the space of invisible feelings, relationships between man and woman, mother and daughter
, she writes. ...I am connecting the world of man, animal and plant, saying; the plants are slow animals / I am a slow animal / where I come from / ...
Parallel-text, Slovak / English
136 pages
ISBN 1-900072-39-4
Published September 2003