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“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— VĂ­ctor Rodríguez Núñez

Crossing Point

Crossing Point

by Myra Schneider

Myra Schneider writes, "The overall theme [of this collection] is women. 'Mother and Daughter', the core sequence... recreates the life of my grandmother and the earlier life of my mother, drawing on information my mother gave me... A shorter sequence looks at the life of my mother-in-law, a refugee, and the circumstances which shaped her life. The title poem follows her escape from Vienna a few months before the war in 1939. There are two poems about famous women of the past. Other poems about women explore anger, inadequacy, mental illness, self-discovery and joy."

64 pages

ISBN 0 946407 70 3
Published January 1991

» About Myra Schneider