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50 years at the cutting edge of poetry publishing

“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— VĂ­ctor Rodríguez Núñez

The Dream of Intelligence

The Dream of Intelligence

by Sebastian Barker

Hailed as one of the best books of 1992 by The Independent.

Sebastian Barker's revolutionary epic poem travels to the heart of human tragedy through the life and work of Friedrich Nietzsche.

This lucid poem, readable as an inspired novel... is a series of dream-soliloquies, where Barker, through the persona of Nietzsche, seeks a synthesis of Apollo and Dionysis. The blank verse is original, as distinctive as Wordsworth's... lean, strong in content. This is a book to settle down with and re-read... English poetry is alive and well.

Herbert Lomas, The Spectator

...worthy to be mentioned in the company of Coleridge, Wordsworth and Nietzsche.

Robert Nye, The Times

Barker's real achievement is his presentation of Nietzsche's philosophy in flexible and energetic verse.

David Kennedy, P N Review

220 pages

0 946407 80 0
Published January 1992

» About Sebastian Barker