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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Review: Lunarium, by Josep Lluís Aguiló

Ian Brinton, Tears in the Fence, 23rd January 2017

Aguiló creates worlds which can be visited secretly and we can begin "to search for the truth / by finding where the ink is hidden that tattoos us / in the world". This is a poetry of doors and as they open, one by one, they invite the reader into the next stanza


These are magical poems which create a magical world of Mallorca in which "green and yellow words", written by a botanical god, can be deciphered "every day on the pages of / the thicket of writing".


The importance of Tomlinson's assertion about imagination and truth informs this whole collection and the emphasis noted in Anna Crowe's introduction stands sentinel to a landscape which invites further exploration.