Review: The Night We Were Dylan Thomas, by Mara Bergman
Mara Bergman has a warm, easy, laid-back and conversational style, wonderful descriptive powers, and a nice line in nostalgia for her American childhood – vividly recalling old Coca-Cola bottles, the fabulous flavours of Hershey’s Ice Cream Parlor, Hitch-Hiking on Wantagh Parkway
With our good legs and cut-offs, the halter tops
we thought made us older’ and ‘that summer’s night on the Upper East Side
we converged to eat spaghetti
– reminiscent of some of Bruce Springsteen’s early lyrics.
In The Night We Were Dylan Thomas Mara, 65, reflects from her home in Kent on life and love, friends and family, sometimes wickedly – as in ‘Uses for a Wedding Dress’ — and sometimes more gently — And she? That’s her bench, | something about love, about memory.
the heart regenerates
more slowly than
other organs
and is never renewed
that’s what it says in the