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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Agnieszka Kuciak Italy

Agnieszka Kuciak, born in 1970, is a writer and translator of Italian literature. Her published collections of poetry are Retardacja (Retardation, 2001), hailed by the critics as the best debut of the 1990s, and Dalekie kraje - Antologia poetów nieistniejących (Distant Countries - An Anthology of Non-Existent Poets, 2005), about how young people in Poland feel disoriented. She has also published a set of original fantasy stories called Animula Blandula (2007), a children's book called Przygody Kota Murmurando (The Adventures of Murmurando the Cat, 2006) and some highly acclaimed translations, including Dante's Divine Comedy (2002-2004) and Petrarch's Sonnets (2002). She won the Feniks Award for her translation of Dante's Inferno and Purgatorio, the Publishers' Association Award for Retardacja and the Polish President's Prize for her book Dante Romantyków (The Romantics' Dante). She is now working on an anthology of Italian love sonnets to be called Dawne płomienie (Old Flames). She is employed at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
