András Gerevich Hungary
András Gerevich was born in Budapest in 1976. He graduated with a degree in English Literature from the Eötvös University of Budapest (ELTE), and later studied Creative Writing at Dartmouth College, USA , on a Fulbright Scholarship. His third degree is in Screenwriting from the National Film and Television School in Britain. Now working on his third volume of poems, he has been widely published in Hungarian journals and has also been translated into several languages. He is currently the President of the József Attila Circle (JAK), the association of young Hungarian writers. He is also the poetry editor of Kalligram, a Hungarian literary monthly, and commissioning editor for Chroma, the London-based literary and arts journal. He has scripted several prize-winning short films produced in London. He has also translated a number of English-speaking poets into Hungarian, including Seamus Heaney.