András Imreh Hungary

András Imreh was born in Budapest in 1966 where he still lives. After working as a language teacher and living in Mexico for a year he is now a free-lance poet and translator. He translates poetry from English, French and Spanish including the work of Robert Frost, W. B. Yeats, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Seamus Heaney, Shakespeare and J. L. Borges. His own books of poetry include That Which Has Two Names (Hungarian), Canción de cuna (Spanish) and Salut poètes (French): at the time of writing, he is completing his new book, Strange Love. His poems have been translated into several languages and he has received a number of literary awards for his poetry and translations, including the József Attila, the Vas István and the Graves awards. He works as editor of Nagyvilág (Big World) literary magazine which publishes contemporary literature translated into Hungarian. He gives classes on poetry and translation and has recently started publishing essays.