Anna Auziņa Latvia

Anna Auziņa was born in 1975 in Riga. Growing up in a family of writers, she began publishing her poetry as early as 1990. Auziņa studied Fine Arts and has been exhibiting her paintings since 1994. Having spent five reluctant years in advertising, she has, so far, published two prize-winning volumes of poetry - Atskirtie darzi (Opened Gardens / Riga: Uguns, 1995) and Slepotaji bucojas sniega (Skiers Kissing in the Snow / Riga: Preses nams, 2001) - with her third, Es izskatijos laimiga (I Looked Happy / Riga: Mansards, 2010), short-listed for the Annual Literature Prize. The poems in this anthology have been drawn from all three.