Ashur Etwebi Libya

ASHUR ETWEBI was born in 1952 in Libya. He is one of
Libya’s leading poets and is also an editor, translator and
painter. Ashur has published nine volumes of poetry and
seven volumes of translations, including a selection of
Divan Shams Tabriz by Jalal Al-Deen Rumi. Poems from
Above the Hill: Selected Poems was translated by Brenda
Hillman and Dialla Haidar and published in the USA in
2011. Selections of his poetry have been translated into
English, Italian, French, Polish, German, Turkish, Serbian
and Persian. Since December 2014, he has been living in
Norway after he was attacked by extremists and his house
in Tripoli was burned down. Before he left Libya, Ashur
organised (with Khaled Mattawa), the first ever Tripoli
International Poetry Festival in 2012. He also organised
the Poems & Cities Poetry Festival that travelled the Great
Sahara and the Nafusa mountain, in 2014.
Five Scenes from a Failed Revolution is Etwebi's first
full-length collection to be published in the UK.