Brian Henry USA

Brian Henry is author of four books of poetry - Astronaut (Arc, 2000 / Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2002), Graft (Arc, 2002 / New Issues Press, 2002), Quarantine (Ahsahta Press, 2006) and The Stripping Point (Counterpath Press, 2007) - and his poetry has been widely published in magazines and journals in the USA, the UK, Australia, Ireland, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic, as well as being translated into Russian, Croatian and Slovenian.
He is also known for his critical essays on contemporary poetry and for his poetry translations, particularly of the work of the Slovenian poet Tomaz Salamun.
Recipient of many prestigious literary awards, including the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize, 2006 and three awards from the Poetry Society of America in 2001, 2003 and 2008 respectively, Brian Henry has taught at Plymouth State College and the University of Georgia, and is currently Associate Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Richmond. He co-edits the international journal Verse and lives in Richmond, Virginia.