Ieva Lesinska Latvia

Ieva Lešinska (b. 1958) is a writer and translator living and working in Riga, Latvia, after many years studying and working in the United States, Sweden and Germany. Her translations of Latvian poetry and fiction include the collection Six Latvian Poets [Anna Auzina, Ingmara Balode, Agnese Krivade, Marts Pujats, Maris Salejs, Karlis Verdinš] (Arc, 2011) and her work has been published in such collections as A Fine Line: New Poetry from Eastern & Central Europe (Arc, 2004), Russian Poetry in Latvia (Orbita, 2008), All Birds Know This (Tapals, 2001), in the journals World Literature Today (1998), Descant (2004), Latvian Literature (1, 2, 3, 4) and electronic media (, etc.).
Ieva has also published a number of translations of Anglo-American poetry (T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Allen Ginsberg’s Kaddish, poems by Robert Frost, Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes, D. H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound, Dylan Thomas, Gary Snyder), fiction (Toni Morrison, John Irving, Bret Easton Ellis, David Lodge, Jhumpa Lahiri) and documentary prose.
Her interviews with writers, musicians, intellectuals and politicians, essays, book reviews and original poetry have appeared in Latvian periodicals and anthologies. She is currently working on a book of ‘documentary fiction’ and teaching a course in literary journalism.