Jacek Dehnel Poland
Jacek Dehnel was born in Gdańsk in 1980. He graduated in Polish studies at Warsaw University and lives in Warsaw's Powiśle district. He has published four volumes of poetry: Żywoty równoległe (Parallel Lives, 2004); Wyprawa na południe (Journey South, 2005); Wiersze (Poems), a collection including the two earlier volumes and the previously unpublished Pochwała przemijania (In Praise of Passing, 2006); and Brzytwa okamgnienia (A Razor-sharp Glance, 2007). He has also published two books of short stories, Kolekcja (The Collection, 1999) and Rynek w Smyrnie (The Marketplace at Smyrna, 2007), a novel, Lala (2006) and a collection of four short novels Balzakiana (2008).
His work has appeared in many literary periodicals and he writes a review column for the Wirtualna Polska (Virtual Poland) website.
He has translated verse by poets including Philip Larkin, W. H. Auden, Osip Mandelstam, George Szirtes and Karlis Verdins, as well as song lyrics. He has won many major literary prizes in Poland, including the Kościelski Foundation Prize (2005) and the Paszport Polityki (2006, for Lala). His poetry has been translated into English, Basque, French, Gaelic, Lithuanian, Slovak and Slovene. Lala has been published in German translation and is due to appear in Israeli, Croatian, Italian, Slovak and Hungarian editions. He is also a painter and draughtsman.