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50 years at the cutting edge of poetry publishing

“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Josep Lluís Aguiló Spain

Josep Lluís Aguiló (born Island of Mallorca, 1967) is a
poet writing in the Catalan language. In 1986 he published
his first collection of poems, Cants d'arjau (Songs from the
Helm). After an interval of eighteen years, he published two
further collections, La biblioteca secreta (The Secret Library)
and L’estació de les Ombres (Season of Shadows), both in 2004.

His collection Monstres (Monsters, 2005) was awarded the
Ciutat de Palma Joan Alcocer Poetry Prize in 2004 and, in
2006, the National Critics’ Prize for the best book of poems
written in Catalan – the Spanish Pulitzer – while it also
received a Special Mention from the jury of the 2006 Poetry
Prize of the Association of Catalan Writers.

In 2008, the present book, Llunari (Lunarium) was winner
of the Jocs Florals de Barcelona Prize and Josep Lluís Aguiló
was appointed Poet Laureate of the City of Barcelona during
the period 2008-2009.

According to Pere Ballart in the preface of Six Catalan
(Arc Publications, 2013), the sequence formed by his
four most recent books

embraces a kaleidoscopic poetic adventure, that is culturalist
in its symbols and in complete harmony with the eclecticism
with which postmodernism juxtaposes the most learned and the
most popular icons. In Aguiló’s poetry, therefore, we find
coexisting happily traditional rondeaux and the most bookish
myths […]

His poetry has appeared in several anthologies and has
been translated into a number of languages.
