Laima Vincë Lithuania

Laima Vincë is a graduate of the Columbia University School of the Arts MFA program in Creative Writing. She is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, two Fulbright lectureships, a PEN Translation grant, and an Academy of American Poets award, among other honours. Her memoir in diary form of her student years at Vilnius University in 1988-1989 during the time of Lithuania's singing revolution was published in 2008 by the Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers as Lenin's Head on a Platter. Her novel for children, The Ghost in Hannah's Parlour, was translated into Lithuanian (Vaiduoklë Svetaineje) and was selected by Lithuanian Radio and Television as one of the top five books published for children in 2007.
Laima Vincë is the translator of Marcelijus Martinaitis's collection K.B. The Suspect, published by White Pines Press. She is also the translator of Juozas Lukša's Forest Brothers (Central European University Press), an account of Lithuania's post-war armed resistance against the Soviet Union. Writing under the name Laima Sruoginis, she is the editor and translator of three anthologies of contemporary Lithuanian literature: The Earth Remains (Columbia University Press), Lithuania in Her Own Words (Tyto Alba), and Raw Amber (Poetry Salzburg). Laima Sruoginis is also the translator of My Voice Betrays Me (Vanda Juknaitë, Columbia University Press), Just One Moment More (Konstancija Bražienienë, Columbia University Press), and Letters from Nowhere (Jonas Mekas, Paris Experimental).
Laima Vincë has published her poems in Poetry Daily, The Artful Dodge, Agni and other journals. She also writes as a journalist on contemporary social issues in Lithuania.
Translating The Ballads of Kukutis; Laima Vincë talks about working with the poet M. Martinaitis.
Lithuania under Soviet Rule and an introduction to The Ballads of Kukutis by Laima Vincë.