Linda France UK

Linda France lives close to Hadrian’s Wall, near Hexham
in Northumberland. Since 1992, she has published eight
poetry collections with Bloodaxe, Smokestack and Arc,
including The Gentleness of the Very Tall (a Poetry Book Society
Recommendation), The Toast of the Kit-Cat Club, book of days
(a ‘year renga’) and You are Her. Reading the Flowers began
during a Leverhulme Residency at Moorbank, Newcastle
University’s Botanic Garden, in 2010-11, which led to a ‘grand
tour’ of thirteen Botanic Gardens in the UK and abroad.
Linda has worked on a number of collaborations with visual
artists, particularly in the realm of Public Art. She also
edited the ground-breaking anthology Sixty Women Poets
(Bloodaxe 1993, a Poetry Book Society Special Commendation).
Linda was awarded the Arts Foundation’s first Poetry
Fellowship. She won First Prize in the 2013 National Poetry
Competition and is currently Creative Writing Fellow at the
University of Leeds.