Patrick Williamson

Patrick Williamson is an English poet who was born in Madrid in 1960 and lives near Paris, France. His most recent poetry collections are Bacon, Bits, & Buriton (Corrupt Press, 2011), and Trois Rivières / Three Rivers, (Editions Harmattan, 2010). He has translated the selected poems of Tunisian poet Tahar Bekri (Inconnues Saisons / Unknown Seasons, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1999) and the Quebecois poet Gilles Cyr (The Graph of Roads, Guernica Editions, 2008). In 1995 and 2003, he was an invited poet at the Festival International de Poésie at Trois-Rivières in Québec. He is the editor of Quarante et un poètes de Grande-Bretagne (Ecrits des Forges / Le Temps de Cerises, 2003).