Paul Stubbs UK

Paul Stubbs was born in Norwich lives in Paris. He left school at sixteen and worked in various jobs around the country before beginning to write. His poems have appeared in a variety of magazines including Poetry Review, Agenda and The Shop. In 2005, he received two awards for his writing from the Society of Authors and the Arts Council of England East.
Since the appearance of his debut collection, The Theological Museum in 2005, Paul Stubbs is increasingly referred to as a 'poet of the new millennium'. In 2002 he was one of 37 British poets commissioned by the Globe Theatre in London to write a poem commemorating the bicentenary of Wordsworth's sonnet On Westminster Bridge. He has written adaptations of two classical Greek plays - Euripides' The Bacchae and Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound - and also a radio play, The Messiah.
He edits The Black Herald magazine with Blandine Longre.