Philip Wilson

Philip Wilson grew up in Yorkshire and went on
to work in comprehensive schools before turning to
literary translation in the form of an MA and a PhD at
the University of East Anglia, where he now teaches
literature, translation and philosophy, after a spell at
Inönü University, Malatya, Turkey. He has translated
The Luther Breviary (with John Gledhill) and has edited
Literary Translation: Re-drawing the Boundaries (with Jean
Boase-Beier and Antoinette Fawcett). The monograph
Translation after Wittgenstein will be published in 2015. He
has published many poems in magazines, as well as a
pamphlet, Blessed and not broken by the fall.
He lives in Norwich and his interests include graphic
novels, early music and the relationship between
translation and mysticism. The Old and Middle High
German texts in this volume have remained a constant
source of fascination since he first encountered them as
an undergraduate.