Timothy Adès UK

Timothy Adès is a translator-poet who tends to use rhyme and metre. Born in 1941, he learnt to write Latin and Greek verse at school, took a classical degree, and studied international business. Later, he started to translate poetry from modern languages. His award-winning version of Jean Cassou's 33 Sonnets of the Resistance appeared in 2002 in the Arc Visible Poets series. Victor Hugo's How to be a Grandfather appeared in 2002 (Complete Edition 2012) from Hearing Eye. Homer in Cuernavaca by Alfonso Reyes won the TLS Premio Valle-Inclán Prize, 2001, and Hugo's Moscow, Waterloo, St Helena the John Dryden Prize in 2003. Versions of Brecht, Desnos, Louise Labé and many others have appeared in journals. In 2017, Arc Publications published his translation of Robert Desnos, Surrealist, Lover, Resistant.
Recent books are Florentino and the Devil by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba (Venezuela) and Loving by Will: Shakespeare's sonnets rewritten without using letter E. Timothy runs a bookstall of translated poetry.