Jean Boase-Beier UK

Jean Boase-Beier has been working closely with Arc Publications since 1995, when Arc published her translation (with Anthony Vivis) of Rose Ausländer's Mother Tongue. As a result of this publication, the parallel-text translation series 'Visible Poets' was conceived, with Jean Boase-Beier as series editor. The series was established in 2000, and with over 30 titles now available (all by poets introduced to Arc by Jean Boase-Beier), Arc is one of the leading publishers of poetry in translation, bringing to an English-language readership some of the most significant poets writing today. Jean also edits the 'Arc Translations' and 'Arc Classic Translations' series.
Jean Boase-Beier is Professor Emerita of Literature and Translation at the University of East Anglia, where she founded and ran the MA in Literary Translation. Besides her translations of Rose Ausländer , she has translated poetry by Volker von Törne and Ernst Meister, which also appeared with Arc Publications. Jean has written extensively on translation, especially the translation of poetry. Her books include: (ed., with Michael Holman) The Practices of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity (St Jerome Publishing, 1999); Stylistic Approaches to Translation, originally published in 2006, and now in a new revised edition (Routledge, 2019); A Critical Introduction to Translation Studies (Continuum, 2011); Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust (Bloomsbury, 2015); and several co-edited collections, including The Palgrave Handbook of Literary Translation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Her latest book for Arc is Poetry of the Holocaust: An Anthology (ed., with Marian de Vooght, 2019).