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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Poetry from Around the World

Poets from outside the UK & Ireland, writing in English

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Showing 1 - 10 of 60 results
In the Shop of the Divine

Mary Gilliland

In the Shop of the Divine

Mary Gilliland brings to her work the rich flavors of the natural world, yet her destination is clearly news of the inner self, its perceptions, its relationships with others. She is not afraid of delight, neither does she shirk the hard tasks of anger, pain, and deep caring. — MARY OLIVER

Like the apothecarist Keats, Mary Gilliland’s poetry wells up from the healing force of unheard melodies. Her tensile lyric and fluent narrative grasp the sweet otherness in life, which is “Eve’s radical helplessness” to endure and bear intimate witness to both change and permanence…a radiant testimony—and a triumph—of an unerring ear I deeply cherish. Mythical and grounded, her sensuously rich language enacts a poetry in which self-concentration brims beyond the far reach of desire, passion, and the self. — ISHION HUTCHINSON

At once eco-sensual and erudite, Gilliland writes a nuanced poetry that richly investigates humanity’s contradictory capacities to destroy and to love. From first to last, I am spellbound by the largesse of vision and the beauty. — CYNTHIA HOGUE

Gilliland has continued to develop as a poet of high intelligence, considerable originality, and quiet intensity….whose work is consistently fresh and exploratory, in form as well as in substance. — STANLEY KUNITZ

By turns mystical and realist, Mary Gilliland’s intensely musical poems consider global apocalypse—“our course set for the destitute sunset”—but also celebrate the generative power of creativity, honoring the passion of cobbler, novelist, saint, inventor, photographer. With preternatural empathy, she enters fascinating sensibilities—Virginia Woolf, Nikola Tesla—and sings “the troubled music” of history, a frontier that extends from fabled to factual, from the Hesperides to the moon, from resorts to war zones. Her vision is profound, enduring. — ALICE FULTON

  • Chapbook forthcoming

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John Kinsella


I close my eyes and see poems
written inside my head.
I open them to copy them down.
Through photos I see
the poems with my eyes open.
These are the translations and
transcriptions of what I see.

John Kinsella
  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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This Side of Silence

C. K. Stead

This Side of Silence

In this poignant new poetry collection, one of New Zealand’s most significant voices reflects on home, on away, and on friends living and dead. ‘I lead a life of quiet medication’, the poet claims, ‘longing for foreign shores, adventure and death.’ But whether swimming to the yellow buoy or remembering an encounter in Belsize Park, in the thick of it or asking, ‘what next?’, Stead’s voice is intimate, amusing and always compelling.

  • Paperback £11.99 £10.79 available

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Your Nearness

Forrest Gander

Your Nearness

Forrest Gander knows that the poet’s first duty is “to see what’s there and not already patterned by familiarity” – and in Your Nearness he brings to that task a combination of vision, generosity of spirit and humility in the face of wonder that singles him out as one of the finest, and most vigilant, poets working in English today.

John Burnside

There’s a deep personal feeling found in Forrest Gander’s desperately beautiful ‘Librettos for Eros’ [in which] feeling masters the poems, and it is feeling about self, desperate, squandered, willful, all but out of control – and ultimately uncivilized….

Thom Gunn

Your Nearness includes colour illustrations by the author.

  • Paperback £12.99 £11.69 available

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Kraków Testimonies

Piotr Florczyk

Kraków Testimonies

What happened to Kraków’s Jews? The poet Piotr Florczyk, who was born in Kraków, set himself the task of finding out, and to this end listened to recorded testimonies of Holocaust survivors from Kraków at the Visual History Archive during a period of research study at the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation Centre.

In the poems collected here, Florczyk retells the stories of these survivors for a new audience, exploring their interactions with their surroundings, their families, their neighbours and their oppressors.

Thus there emerges, through the work of the poet as story-teller, not only a shared history of Kraków but, for the reader, a sense of those voices that might otherwise be forgotten, speaking again in poems of extraordinary clarity and simplicity.

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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Brimstone: A Book of Villanelles

John Kinsella

Brimstone: A Book of Villanelles

• A book notable for its use of the classical form of the villanelle throughout
• A title that will resonate with ecologists and environmentalists
• His previous book from Arc (The Wound|) received a PBS Special Commendation

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Atlas of Lost Beliefs

Ranjit Hoskote

The Atlas of Lost Beliefs

Commenting on Hoskote's poetry on the Poetry International website, the poet and editor Arundhathi Subramaniam observes: "His writing has revealed a consistent and exceptional brilliance in its treatment of image. Hoskote's metaphors are finely wrought, luminous and sensuous, combining an artisanal virtuosity with passion, turning each poem into a many-angled, multifaced experience."

  • Paperback £11.99 £10.79 available

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I am a Rohingya

ed. James Byrne and Shehzar Doja

I am a Rohingya

I Am a Rohingya implores the world to listen to the spirit of a people who have experienced some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet. These poems have no alternative but to speak out, they are from a crisis that must be addressed. There is brilliance in here!John Kinsella

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Samson Agonistes

John Kinsella

Samson Agonistes

John Kinsella's poetic and intertextual reworking of John Milton's dramatic poem, Samson Agonistes, confirms Milton as one of the many influences in Kinsella's poetic output. His fascination with Milton's "tale of conflicted belief, values and desires" is stated at the outset in the 'Argument', and in what follows, Kinsella echoes many of Milton's themes as he explores how the cyborg Samson — both a symbol of uncontrolled violence and a pacifist peacemaker — must come to terms with his participation in his own powerlessness and incarceration. Stephen Chinna's introduction and Tim Cribb's afterword are invaluable in setting the central dramatisation in context.

  • Paperback £11.99 £10.79 available

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The Illegal Age

Ellen Hinsey

The Illegal Age

Ellen Hinsey's new book-length sequence, The Illegal Age, is a powerful investigation into the twentieth-century's dark legacy of totalitarianism and the rise of political illegality.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Hardback £13.99 £12.59 available

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