'Anthologies in Translation' series
edited by Jean Boase-Beier
These anthologies present a cross-section of translated poetry from a particular country or culture, carefully collected and edited by experts.
After Dante: Poets in Purgatory
Dante's Purgatorio has been described as the most 'human' of the three parts of his Comedy, and it can also be seen as a 'singing school' for poets. This new complete translation by sixteen contemporary poets enters into dialogue with Dante's text by rendering it in a variety of different Anglophone voices — American, Australian, British, Irish, Jamaican, Scottish and Singaporean. The poets in this Purgatorio adopt a range of forms, from blank verse to terza rima, and their translations are accompanied by explanatory notes, a 'prelude' of poems about Purgatory, and a 'postscript' of newly-translated medieval Italian lyrics relating to Dante and his poem.
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Europe in Poems
This anthology showcases sixty poets writing in twenty-five languages from countries across Europe. A feat of European intercultural exchange, it is also a fitting celebration of the Versopolis ethos: an extraordinary variety of themes, styles, and subjects finding common ground in a shared idea of what poetry – and a poetry community – can be.
This anthology is published in collaboration with Beletrina Academic Press, Slovenia, part of the Versopolis project.
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The Iron Flute: War Poetry from Ancient & Medieval China
This anthology contains first-hand accounts from those involved in the conflicts of ancient China. Many of these poems are translated into English for the first time; they invoke powerful, terrible images of ancient warfare, beautifully brought to life. The poetry within this book spans more than sixteen centuries and includes the work of 50 poets.
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ed. Jean Boase-Beier, Marian de Vooght
Poetry of the Holocaust
This powerful, unique anthology contains the poetry of Holocaust victims from across the globe. Not only are members of Jewish communities included, but also people targeted by the Nazis on other grounds — those politically or religiously opposed to the Third Reich, homosexuals, members of Sinti & Roma communities, or those perceived as disabled.
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Orbita: The Project
Orbita, founded in Riga in 1999, is a collective of Latvian poets writing in Russian whose unique work plays at the boundaries between various creative genres and cultures. This volume combines poetry, translation, imagery, web technologies, video and sound to offer a diverse introduction to Orbita's vital and consistently innovative art.
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The Lonely Funeral
Every year, a large number of people living in our towns and cities - the homeless, suicides, illegal immigrants, junkies, drug 'mules', victims of crime and, above all, old people living alone - are found dead. Sometimes, they are not discovered for weeks or months, and it is often hard to ascertain who they are. Their funerals are held without relatives or friends and acquaintances being present; the only people in attendance are the pall-beares, perhaps someone from the Department of Social Services, the cemetery management and the funeral director. In Amsterdam in 2002, the poet and artist F Starik, deeply moved by the desolation of these solitary funerals, initiated 'The Lonely Funeral' project and seven years later in Antwerp, the Flemish poet Maarten Inghels set up a project of the same name.
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Lost Evenings, Lost Lives
In May 2009, the Sri Lankan government officially announced the end of a civil war that had been ravaging the island for almost three decades. During all these years, Tamil poets have commented on the war and its vicissitudes in what constitutes an extraordinary body of poetry. Together these poems can be read as an alternative history of the war.
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ed. ko ko thett and James Byrne
Bones Will Crow
This is the first anthology of contemporary Burmese poets published in the West, and includes the work of Burmese poets who have been in exile and in prison.
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ed. Ali Alizadeh and John Kinsella
Six Vowels and Twenty Three Consonants: An Anthology of Persian Poetry from Rudaki to Langroodi
This is a groundbreaking new collection of poems presenting the wealth of poetic voices from one of the world's most important literary cultures. The book covers poetry from the early Middle Ages to the Modernists and Postmodernists of the 20th and 21st centuries.
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The Parley Tree
The Parley Tree does not pretend to be an all-encompassing portrait of the work of French-speaking poets of Africa and the Arab World. Rather, it is a glimpse of some of the most representative voices of the poetic movements and generations in the Francophone countries of the whole continent of Africa, and as such, seeks to do away with the divisions that traditionally separate North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa, and the African world from the Arab world.
Poetry is one of the major forms of literary expression in these two regions, and the French-language poetry of the countries included in this anthology is clearly only one dimension of an overall poetic landscape shared with other national languages such as Arabic, Fula, Bambara, Berber, Wolof, among others. But it is a dimension that is recognized as being of great literary merit and worthy of the international acclaim it has attracted. The poets anthologized here — from North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa and the Arab World — have long wished to escape from artificial pigeon-holing and rather to be associated with common threads. The past half-century has confirmed their work as poetry of great literary quality, full of a unique vitality and presence, and The Parley Tree offers an insight into a whole world that might otherwise have remained closed off to English-language readers.
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