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“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Poetry in Translation

from Europe and beyond, including our Visible Poets, Arc Translations, Arc Classic Translations, New Voices From Europe and Beyond and Anthologies in Translation series. At Arc Publications, we believe that the importance of translated poetry cannot be overestimated. Reading the poetry of other cultures, countries and backgrounds helps us to understand other points of view. It also gives us an insight into other poetic traditions and allows us to hear unfamiliar voices. Translations of poetry must be poetic translations if they are to help their readers gain understanding, insight, and pleasure from new and exciting work, so we are careful to accept only those translations we consider outstanding.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 156 results
Flags in the Sea

Josep Lluís Aguiló

Flags in the Sea

Details TBC..

  • Paperback forthcoming

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The Conjurer

Pedro Serrano

The Conjurer

The Conjurer is Pedro Serrano’s second book from Arc, and includes work drawn from his three published collections in Mexico as well as unpublished work. These are powerful poems which explore the natural world in all its wonder with a close and meticulous attention that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Vanishing Points

Lucija Stupica

Vanishing Points

Vanishing Points is Lucia Stupica’s fourth book of poetry and comes after a decade of silence in which her poetic voice has become more complex and sensitive to the cracks in time and in the world through which she observes fragments of life – imperfect, painful and real. Her expression has retained its tenderness, establishing a deep dialogue with the world, the past and the present, and with appearances and the things they conceal. In her attempt at a new understanding of the world, Stupica is not writing the story of her own role, but of the role of women as the hidden movers of history, and the role of those, be they a man, a child or a random stranger, who see the experience of the other, and are open to it. These poems of love, loss, mystery and what lies beyond our understanding make for a haunting and memorable collection in Andrej Peric’s beautiful translation.

  • Paperback £11.99 £10.79 available

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My Country's Hair Turned White

Dilawar Karadaghi

My Country's Hair Turned White

Dilawar Karadaghi is one of the most important contemporary Kurdish poets and his work is marked by the long years of persecution, marginalization and struggle that are part of the Kurdish experience. The poems in this short selection are full of longing, sadness, loss and, in the final poem, anger, as the poet remembers the devastating chemical attack on Halabja in 1988 in which his ‘country’s hair turned white’.

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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Poems Written Through Barbed-wire Fences

Ro Mehrooz

Poems Written Through Barbed-wire Fences

This chapbook by Ro Mehrooz is the first time that the work of a single Rohingyan poet has appeared in print in a bilingual edition. The Rohingya people continue to experience genocide at the hands of the Myanmar military, so it is not surprising that Ro’s poems are full of anger, anguish and despair, although there are moments of light as he reflects upon the traditions and customs of his people.

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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Dreaming of an Ancient Country: Passages from Virgil's Georgics


Dreaming of an Ancient Country: Passages from Virgil's Georgics

Virgil wrote The Georgics in the 30s BCE at a time of political uncertainty in the Roman state and although country matters are to the fore in the selections chosen and translated in this chapbook, there is also from time to time an underlying sense of unease. The passages from Books 1, 2 and 3 deal with farming and animal husbandry and, from Book 4, with bee-keeping. The chapbook ends with the concluding passage of Book 4, Virgil’s beautiful telling of the story of Orpheus and Euridice. This translation from the Latin by the poet Fred Beake makes for very entertaining reading.

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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Czernovitz - Charmovitz

Aneta Kaminska

Czernovitz - Charmovitz

Aneta Kamińska is a Polish poet, author of
eight volumes of poetry. She has a wonderful
ear for language and her specialty is poetry
brimming with linguistic games. She is also a
prolific translator of contemporary Ukrainian
poets. This chapbook presents a selection of
Kamińska’s own poetry from across the years.

Through the fracturing of language, with
word and sound-play or othertimes a deceptive
simplicity, Kamińska’s poems pull us up short
with their visceral honesty. Whether she
is writing about the female body, a Jewish
cemetery, the pandemic or the invasion of
Ukraine, her poems are at once fierce and
intimate. She is a unique voice which cannot
be ignored, its freshness and immediacy
discovered and relayed to us in ingenious ways
by her translators.

Maria Jastrzębska
  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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The Day's Ration: Selected Poems

Gilles Ortlieb

The Day's Ration: Selected Poems

For Gilles Ortlieb, the day’s ration is hard won. He
takes the art of noticing to a new level, petrifying us
with moments of bleakness and ushering us out of them
through his humanity. He states things as they are, with
exactitude, with authenticity, and with humour and his
voice is compelling. Ortlieb is among the very best poets
writing in France today, and this bi-lingual selection
of his work will cement his growing reputation in the
anglophone world.

  • Paperback £11.99 £8.99 available

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If I Only Knew

Nelly Sachs

If I Only Knew

Known as a poet who spoke of the history
and suffering of the Jewish people, Nelly
Sachs was, at the time she was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966, highly
regarded in her native Germany, frequently
being described as a poet of reconciliation and
healing, although whether she was is open to

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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The Cerulean Bird

Matilda Olkinaite

The Cerulean Bird

Matilda Olkinaitė was only 19 years old
when, in 1941, she was murdered by Nazi
collaborators in her native Lithuania.

Many of the poems in this chapbook were
written in a notebook that remained
hidden for decades.

  • Chapbook £8.00 £7.20 available

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