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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Poetry from Around the World

Poets from outside the UK & Ireland, writing in English

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Showing 21 - 30 of 60 results
Quarantine :: Contagion

Brian Henry

Quarantine :: Contagion

'Quarantine', the first long poem in this book, explores sexuality, subjectivity and the narrative process. Lying in a field beside his dead wife and son, the narrator describes events leading to their deaths (his own included) from the bubonic plague in 1665. A second long poem, 'Contagion', follows, mirroring and distorting the earlier narrative.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Hardback £12.99 £11.69 available

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John Kinsella, John Milton


Four hundred years after the birth of one of England's greatest poets, John Milton, the outstanding Australian poet John Kinsella has written a contemporary version of Comus, the masque that was commissioned by John, Earl of Bridgwater and performed for him at Ludlow Castle in 1634.

  • Hardback £11.99 £10.79 available

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Andrew Johnston


Andrew Johnston is one of New Zealand's leading poets. At the heart of this, his fifth collection, are two major poems: 'The Sunflower', an elegy for the poet's father, which is an extended meditation on death, family and religious faith; and 'Les Baillessats', a relaxed, sun-filled poem for the poet's new-born son.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Hardback £12.99 £11.69 available

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The Glass-Blower: Selected Poems

Keki N. Daruwalla

The Glass-Blower: Selected Poems

This first full-length volume of Daruwalla's work to be published outside India provides a long-overdue opportunity to become better acquainted with a poet previously encountered in the UK, in tantalizing glimpses, only in anthologies.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Hardback £12.99 £11.69 available

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Treatise on Touch

David Baker

Treatise on Touch

Treatise on Touch is a selection from all six of American poet David Baker's seven collections of poetry to date, all of which have met with critical acclaim in the US.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Tracy Ryan


Hothouse, Tracy Ryan's most recent collection of poems, was published in 2002 in her native Australia to great critical acclaim. It is essentially a collection of flower poems which focus, not on the alienation of humans from the plant world, but instead their similarities.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Strategies for Confronting Fear: New and Selected Poems

Anthony Lawrence

Strategies for Confronting Fear: New and Selected Poems

Anthony Lawrence characteristically sets his poems within powerful landscapes and seascapes. There is a dramatic confrontation in them, between the elemental forces of nature, and those within the consciousness of his characters.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Syllable of Stone

Patrick Lane

Syllable of Stone

Intense, starkly honest, often disturbing, yet also subtle, compassionate, even gentle, Patrick Lane's poems are rooted in personal experience, and whether he's writing about the natural world or the human condition, they make an indelible impression.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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John Kinsella


John Kinsella's poem America is very much in the mould of Blake's visionary poem America, A Prophecy but unlike Blake, Kinsella does not express himself in allegorical terms but delivers a trenchant, uncompromising and direct denunciation of the world's unchallenged superpower.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Bluegrass Wasteland

T. R. Hummer

Bluegrass Wasteland

Bluegrass Wasteland draws on T R Hummer's seven collections of poetry published between 1978 and 2003 and serves to locate him as one of America's most distinguished poets.

  • Paperback out of print

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