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— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Poetry from Around the World

Poets from outside the UK & Ireland, writing in English

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Showing 31 - 40 of 60 results

Saskia Hamilton


"Nothing ever came again to warn her", Saskia Hamilton writes, and nothing comes to warn the reader of the adamantine turmoil, the ardent and articulate perceptions in these original poems... We are taken, figuratively and literally, by storm." Forrest Gander

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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C. K. Stead


In this new collection, C. K. Stead shows himself still in full charge of a talent which has surprised, delighted and challenged readers of poetry since it first declared itself in the 1950s.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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A Question of Gravity: Selected Poems

Elizabeth Smither

A Question of Gravity: Selected Poems

Regarded as New Zealand's leading female poet, Elizabeth Smither has had to wait until now for this, her first full-length UK publication, which is an extensive selection from five of her most recent collections, including Red Shoes (Godwit, 2003), the result of her now concluded two-year term as Te Mata New Zealand poet laureate.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Unmapped Page: Selected Poems

Andrew Sant

The Unmapped Page: Selected Poems

The poems selected for this book are the distillation of the work of a poet who began to receive significant attention in Australia during the 1980s and whose reputation continues to grow. Described variously by critics as "an important, innovative poet" with "a penetrating eye for the hidden geometries of meaning", Sant reveals himself in this volume as a vibrant, witty and sensuous writer with a gift for narrative exploration and an eye for intrinsic and off-beat detail.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Ramazan Libation

Alamgir Hashmi

The Ramazan Libation

Lyrical, compassionate and personal on the one hand, ironical, political and wryly humorous on the other, these poems take us to America and Europe as well as through the rich, vibrant countryside and cities of Pakistan.

This is poetry which looks both to the East and the West and in so doing, establishes its unique position in English-language poetry — unusual, beautiful and enduring.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Signed by author £18.99 £17.09 available

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Lightning Tree

John Kinsella

Lightning Tree

A work of restless beauty, in which haunting images of rural Australia — vast landscapes, riverscapes, seascapes — are juxtaposed with a tender, magical evocation of the Cocos Islands, their physical reality and the lives and cultures of their inhabitants.

  • Paperback £11.99 £10.79 available

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Brian Henry


In his citation for the 2001 George Bogin Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, which Brian Henry won with this collection, Donald Revell writes: "I honor and admire these poems for their groundwork understanding. Here, oppression is shown forth as a condition of language, a violence of syntax. And here, in resistance to oppression, extraordinariness lifts a beautiful, if harried, affirming sound.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Common Flesh

Alison Croggon

The Common Flesh

Often shifting and allusive, her poems can convey the 'strangeness of dream'... She can slip in and out of styles as readily as an amphibian slips from land to water.

Australian Book Review
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The Street of Clocks

Thomas Lux

The Street of Clocks

The poems in this collection are lyrical monologues, urgently delivered by a narrator who both loves the world and has intense quarrels with it. Often set against a vivid landscape — the rural America of Lux's childhood and unidentified places south of the border — these poems speak from rivers and swamps, deserts and lawns, jungles and the depths of the sea.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Signed by author £16.99 £15.29 available

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Selected Poems

Michael S. Harper

Selected Poems

Concerned with the often painful historical legacies of family and race, Harper re-visits personal and black history in these poems, in which we not only hear the driving syncopations and heady improvisations of Coltrane, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis but also the cadences of those towering literary figures - among them Yeats and Keats - that have so much influenced him.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available
  • Signed by author £18.99 £17.09 available

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