The Conjurer
The Conjurer is Pedro Serrano’s second book from Arc, and includes work drawn from his three published collections in Mexico as well as unpublished work. These are powerful poems which explore the natural world in all its wonder with a close and meticulous attention that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.
- Chapbook forthcoming
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My Country's Hair Turned White
Dilawar Karadaghi is one of the most important contemporary Kurdish poets and his work is marked by the long years of persecution, marginalization and struggle that are part of the Kurdish experience. The poems in this short selection are full of longing, sadness, loss and, in the final poem, anger, as the poet remembers the devastating chemical attack on Halabja in 1988 in which his ‘country’s hair turned white’.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Poems Written Through Barbed-wire Fences
This chapbook by Ro Mehrooz is the first time that the work of a single Rohingyan poet has appeared in print in a bilingual edition. The Rohingya people continue to experience genocide at the hands of the Myanmar military, so it is not surprising that Ro’s poems are full of anger, anguish and despair, although there are moments of light as he reflects upon the traditions and customs of his people.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Dreaming of an Ancient Country: Passages from Virgil's Georgics
Virgil wrote The Georgics in the 30s BCE at a time of political uncertainty in the Roman state and although country matters are to the fore in the selections chosen and translated in this chapbook, there is also from time to time an underlying sense of unease. The passages from Books 1, 2 and 3 deal with farming and animal husbandry and, from Book 4, with bee-keeping. The chapbook ends with the concluding passage of Book 4, Virgil’s beautiful telling of the story of Orpheus and Euridice. This translation from the Latin by the poet Fred Beake makes for very entertaining reading.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Czernovitz - Charmovitz
Aneta Kamińska is a Polish poet, author of
eight volumes of poetry. She has a wonderful
ear for language and her specialty is poetry
brimming with linguistic games. She is also a
prolific translator of contemporary Ukrainian
poets. This chapbook presents a selection of
Kamińska’s own poetry from across the years.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Michelene Wandor’s fifth book from Arc is a book of love poems – and not-love poems. By turns fierce and gentle, passionate and bitter, they push at the boundaries of minimalist language and pack an emotional punch that will remain with the reader long after the book is closed.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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If I Only Knew
Known as a poet who spoke of the history
and suffering of the Jewish people, Nelly
Sachs was, at the time she was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966, highly
regarded in her native Germany, frequently
being described as a poet of reconciliation and
healing, although whether she was is open to
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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The Cerulean Bird
Matilda Olkinaitė was only 19 years old
when, in 1941, she was murdered by Nazi
collaborators in her native Lithuania.
Many of the poems in this chapbook were
written in a notebook that remained
hidden for decades.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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Arboretum for the Hunted
There has always been an intense physicality
to D’Aguiar’s work, matched by a penchant for
geographic groundedness and a biographical
perspicacity, that has made him one of the finest
writers of his generation.
What is most striking about this chapbook is
how much keeps him dreaming, even in places and
situations where many imaginations would stumble
and falter in the face of the relentless violence to
which we have all become far too inured.
There is hardly a Black British writer working
today who doesn’t owe D’Aguiar a considerable
debt, whether they know it or not.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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