The Fishermen Sleep
Sabine Lange has been in print in Germany since 1987 and this, her first full collection, appeared in 1994. Her poetry explores the human - particularly the female - condition in the light of her own experience as archivist, musician and poet, and is set against the backdrop of the beautiful and unspoilt Mecklenburg countryside in which she has spent most of her life.
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£10.99£9.89 available
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Between Nothing and Nothing
Ernst Meister has rarely before been translated into English, and yet his is a poetry which deals with the big issues: love, death, freedom, security and the ambiguity of existence.
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Mother Tongue: Selected Poems
There were two ways to respond to that unbearable reality,
wrote Rose Ausländer thirty years later, remembering the Chernovtsy ghetto under the Nazis. Either one could despair entirely, or one could occupy a different, spiritual reality. And while we waited for death, there were those of us who dwelt in dreamwords — our traumatic home amidst our homelessness. To write was to live.
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£10.99£9.89 available
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A Certain Koslowski
The author confesses to having been influenced by Zbigniew Herbert and Flann O'Brien at the same time. Whatever their origin, they constitute a delightfully amusing collection, and the whole is enhanced by a series of apposite illustrations by Hartmut Eing.
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£10.99£9.89 Collectors' Corner
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A Preliminary Account of Nordrhein-Westfalen etc
This book is a quirky and illuminating montage of words and pictures about places, characters, events in the Northern Rhine and surrounding area, complete with recipes, glossaries and other delicacies which give the idiosyncratic 'flavour' of that part of Europe.
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£8.50£7.65 Collectors' Corner - Signed by author out of print
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Circus Wols: The Life and Work of Wolfgang Schulze
A collection of essays on the life and work of this seminal surrealist artist and writer, with contributions from Dore Ashton, Roger Cardinal, Claire Van Damme and Peter Inch (written specially for this volume) and from Öyvind Fahlström (translated) and Jean Tardieu (translated). The volume also includes translations of writings by Wols, and is illustrated by 3 of his drawings, 4 of his paintings and 6 of his photographs, all in black and white.
- Paperback
£15.00£13.50 Collectors' Corner - Hardback out of print
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