Syllable of Stone
Intense, starkly honest, often disturbing, yet also subtle, compassionate, even gentle, Patrick Lane's poems are rooted in personal experience, and whether he's writing about the natural world or the human condition, they make an indelible impression.
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John Kinsella's poem America is very much in the mould of Blake's visionary poem America, A Prophecy but unlike Blake, Kinsella does not express himself in allegorical terms but delivers a trenchant, uncompromising and direct denunciation of the world's unchallenged superpower.
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Bluegrass Wasteland
Bluegrass Wasteland draws on T R Hummer's seven collections of poetry published between 1978 and 2003 and serves to locate him as one of America's most distinguished poets.
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"Nothing ever came again to warn her", Saskia Hamilton writes, and nothing comes to warn the reader of the adamantine turmoil, the ardent and articulate perceptions in these original poems... We are taken, figuratively and literally, by storm." Forrest Gander
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In his citation for the 2001 George Bogin Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, which Brian Henry won with this collection, Donald Revell writes: "I honor and admire these poems for their groundwork understanding. Here, oppression is shown forth as a condition of language, a violence of syntax. And here, in resistance to oppression, extraordinariness lifts a beautiful, if harried, affirming sound.
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The Street of Clocks
The poems in this collection are lyrical monologues, urgently delivered by a narrator who both loves the world and has intense quarrels with it. Often set against a vivid landscape — the rural America of Lux's childhood and unidentified places south of the border — these poems speak from rivers and swamps, deserts and lawns, jungles and the depths of the sea.
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Selected Poems
Concerned with the often painful historical legacies of family and race, Harper re-visits personal and black history in these poems, in which we not only hear the driving syncopations and heady improvisations of Coltrane, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis but also the cadences of those towering literary figures - among them Yeats and Keats - that have so much influenced him.
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A delightfully witty and erudite book of new poems from this highly respected American poet, this is Richard Howard's eleventh collection of poetry and is described by his American publisher as being "the wisest of his books, a continuous profusion of inquiries, dissents, high spirits".
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Division of Spoils
Division of Spoils is a selection of the poetry J. D. McClatchy has published over the past two decades, and introduces British readers to the work of one of America's most distinguished poets.
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Astronaut abounds with an unflagging energy, an exuberance of language and a humour that is by turns savage and deadpan, all of which leave the reader encountering Brian Henry's poems for the first time gasping for air. But so compelling is his cleverness with words and exploitation of the poetic form that the reader will be only too happy to take the plunge again. Already a rising star in his native US, Brian Henry will undoubtedly make his mark in the UK with this, his first published full-length collection.
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