A Friable Earth
Jackie Wills brings a multitude of characters to these poems including a young man sleeping in his car, an amateur entomologist, bird catchers, her jilted aunt, Ray Dorset, the three Robins, the office cleaner, family, friends and several gardeners. Her poems move from the GP surgery to eye clinic, dance studio to allotment, back and forward in time and from Brighton's streets to the landscapes of South Africa. In this collection, a woman caught unawares by a changing body and attitudes as she ages strains to see the funny side of her last smear. But there are also many elegies and tributes to old friends in A Friable Earth, Wills' sixth collection of poems. Her work has been described as irreverent, bewitching, compassionate and surreal. She's written extensively about women's lives. She's also worked an allotment for 20 years.
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The Parley Tree
The Parley Tree does not pretend to be an all-encompassing portrait of the work of French-speaking poets of Africa and the Arab World. Rather, it is a glimpse of some of the most representative voices of the poetic movements and generations in the Francophone countries of the whole continent of Africa, and as such, seeks to do away with the divisions that traditionally separate North Africa from Sub-Saharan Africa, and the African world from the Arab world.
Poetry is one of the major forms of literary expression in these two regions, and the French-language poetry of the countries included in this anthology is clearly only one dimension of an overall poetic landscape shared with other national languages such as Arabic, Fula, Bambara, Berber, Wolof, among others. But it is a dimension that is recognized as being of great literary merit and worthy of the international acclaim it has attracted. The poets anthologized here — from North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa and the Arab World — have long wished to escape from artificial pigeon-holing and rather to be associated with common threads. The past half-century has confirmed their work as poetry of great literary quality, full of a unique vitality and presence, and The Parley Tree offers an insight into a whole world that might otherwise have remained closed off to English-language readers.
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Fever Tree
Jackie Wills travels through landscapes of place, memory and imagination with a luminous clarity. Many of her poems are rooted in an ordinary, domestic world of family; others take us on journeys — from South Africa to the Sierra Nevada, via Shoreham Airport Cafe. All are voyages of discover, mapped through her precise observation and vividly sensual images. She manages beautifully the conjuring trick of writing poems that begin with simple moment, observation or place, but that spin off,
— Amanda Daltontracking soundwaves through space
to become lyrical and humane meditations on the possibilities of life, love and death.
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Painting the Bamboo Tree
In her mesmerising first collection, Gail Dendy unleashes a panoply of sound, smells, colours, rhythms from her native South Africa in a sequence of poems which, though dealing with the familiar, the intimate and the every-day, have a haunting strangeness.
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£10.99£9.89 available
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