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“A meeting point for poets of all latitudes”
— Víctor Rodríguez Núñez


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Showing 11 - 20 of 30 results

Tracy Ryan


Hothouse, Tracy Ryan's most recent collection of poems, was published in 2002 in her native Australia to great critical acclaim. It is essentially a collection of flower poems which focus, not on the alienation of humans from the plant world, but instead their similarities.

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Strategies for Confronting Fear: New and Selected Poems

Anthony Lawrence

Strategies for Confronting Fear: New and Selected Poems

Anthony Lawrence characteristically sets his poems within powerful landscapes and seascapes. There is a dramatic confrontation in them, between the elemental forces of nature, and those within the consciousness of his characters.

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John Kinsella


John Kinsella's poem America is very much in the mould of Blake's visionary poem America, A Prophecy but unlike Blake, Kinsella does not express himself in allegorical terms but delivers a trenchant, uncompromising and direct denunciation of the world's unchallenged superpower.

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C. K. Stead


In this new collection, C. K. Stead shows himself still in full charge of a talent which has surprised, delighted and challenged readers of poetry since it first declared itself in the 1950s.

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A Question of Gravity: Selected Poems

Elizabeth Smither

A Question of Gravity: Selected Poems

Regarded as New Zealand's leading female poet, Elizabeth Smither has had to wait until now for this, her first full-length UK publication, which is an extensive selection from five of her most recent collections, including Red Shoes (Godwit, 2003), the result of her now concluded two-year term as Te Mata New Zealand poet laureate.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Unmapped Page: Selected Poems

Andrew Sant

The Unmapped Page: Selected Poems

The poems selected for this book are the distillation of the work of a poet who began to receive significant attention in Australia during the 1980s and whose reputation continues to grow. Described variously by critics as "an important, innovative poet" with "a penetrating eye for the hidden geometries of meaning", Sant reveals himself in this volume as a vibrant, witty and sensuous writer with a gift for narrative exploration and an eye for intrinsic and off-beat detail.

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The Common Flesh

Alison Croggon

The Common Flesh

Often shifting and allusive, her poems can convey the 'strangeness of dream'... She can slip in and out of styles as readily as an amphibian slips from land to water.

Australian Book Review
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New and Selected Poems

Sarah Day

New and Selected Poems

The selection of poems in this book, taken from Sarah Day's three published books and concluding with a substantial body of new work, reflects continuities: the eye for detail and ear for cadence; the process of distilling experience for its essentials; and the power of the image.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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Inexorable Weather

Louis Armand

Inexorable Weather

Inexorable Weather is this young Australian poet's second collection, and his first to be published in the UK. Armand is an exciting and risk-taking poet, a new voice who delights in stretching language and technique in uncharted directions to electrifying effect.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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The Stone Threshold

Andrew Taylor

The Stone Threshold

Compiled from three of Andrew Taylor's highly acclaimed publications, Selected Poems, 1960-1985, Folds in the Map, and Sandstone, this volume also includes a substantial body of new work.

  • Paperback £10.99 £9.89 available

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