The Years
Winner of the Michael Marks Illustration Award
Short-listed for the Michael Marks Poetry Pamphlet Award
With a number of highly-acclaimed poetry collections to his name, this well-known poet has produced a chapbook of enigmatic and beautifully-crafted poems, each of which is accompanied by an illustration by the poet who reveals himself as an accomplished artist. This will undoubtedly be a collector's piece.
- Chapbook
£8.00£7.20 available
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A Certain Koslowski: The Director's Cut
Koslowski is everyone and no one, a tragic figure who stumbles through life in resigned bewilderment at the trials and bizarre coincidences thrown in his path. These brief prose pieces have a style and attraction all their own, by turns wonderfully surreal and laugh-out-loud funny.
- Paperback
£10.99£9.89 available - Hardback
£12.99£11.69 available
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Jeff Nuttall - A Celebration
Painter, sculptor, poet, essayist, caricaturist, jazz musician and performance artist, he was a seminal figure as a teacher of fine art in schools and polytechnics from the 1960s until the late '80s.
- Paperback out of print
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A Certain Koslowski
The author confesses to having been influenced by Zbigniew Herbert and Flann O'Brien at the same time. Whatever their origin, they constitute a delightfully amusing collection, and the whole is enhanced by a series of apposite illustrations by Hartmut Eing.
- Paperback
£10.99£9.89 Collectors' Corner
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Island Chapters
...a satisfying, memorable book by a writer whose prose is as well crafted, intelligent and sensitive as her poetry.
- Signed hardback out of print
- Signed hardback folio
£36.00£32.40 Collectors' Corner
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'Somebody Said That Word': Living in a Hospice
A portrait of the life and work of a hospice in the words of patients, relatives and staff.
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The Sofa Book
Containing sundry remarks and observations composed for the most part as the author reclined upon his sofa near the sea.
- Paperback
£10.00£9.00 Collectors' Corner - Signed by author
£35.00£31.50 Collectors' Corner
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A collection of personal poems which strike chords of recognition in us all. Illustrated throughout by a design adapted from a fourteenth-century world map found in a Marco Polo manuscript.
- Paperback
£10.00£9.00 Collectors' Corner - Signed by author
£15.00£13.50 Collectors' Corner
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A linked drawing by Pip Benveniste illustrating Poem (1689) by Basho, produced as an artist's book.
- Paperback
£25.00£22.50 Collectors' Corner - Signed by author out of stock
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Time Is
Twelve reflections on the passage — and passing — of time, with wry pictorial comments on each by Sid Chambers.
- Paperback
£8.00£7.20 Collectors' Corner - Signed by author and artist
£12.00£10.80 Collectors' Corner
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