To the Outermost Stars
Stein Mehren, Norwegian poet and playwright, writes in the language of the heart, weaving his themes and imagery into a kind of baroque music, in poems that swell and fall like symphonies. Writing on love, desire, and despair he combines classical love stories and intimate expressions of love in daily life to create a tapestry of potent emotions.
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No Bartok Before Breakfast: A Musician's Memoir
It is hard to believe that one man could have had so much influence on the musical life not only of the United Kingdom, but of Europe and beyond. Yet the pages of this delightful memoir reveal the extent to which John Manduell's extraordinary vision, his willingness to venture into unknown territory, his ability to think the unthinkable, his wisdom and his persuasiveness have helped to raise the profile of music in so many areas.
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A Cure for Woodness
This is the third part of the highly acclaimed poet Michael Haslam's trilogy 'Music'. Like the first two parts, The Music Laid her Songs in Language and A Sinner Saved by Grace, A Cure for Woodness is a reaffirmation of the nature, language and music with which the poet finds himself surrounded in his hilltop home in the Pennines.
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Twenty Four Preludes and Fugues on Dmitri Shostakovich
The author writes: In 1994 I read a review by Peter Conrad, in The Observer, of Elizabeth Wilson's Shostakovich: A Life Remembered. As its title suggests, this is a compendium of personal reminiscences by relatives, friends and acquaintances of the composer. The glimpses of Shostakovich's life which the review quoted caught my imagination as a possible subject for poetry, and I began what quickly became a lengthy project. Conrad's reference to Shostakovich's 24 Preludes and Fugues Op.87 for piano gave me my format.
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Musica Transalpina
Poetry Book Society Recommendation Spring 2006
Michelene Wandor's new poetry collection excels in the richness of its subject matter, the witty and sensuous language, the musicality of its rhythms and the way in which she is able to combine sophistication with accessibility.
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Bluegrass Wasteland
Bluegrass Wasteland draws on T R Hummer's seven collections of poetry published between 1978 and 2003 and serves to locate him as one of America's most distinguished poets.
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Between Two Worlds: The Music of David Lumsdaine
This book about David Lumsdaine is both illuminating and thorough, and is an excellent starting point for the study of the music of one of the most intriguing composers of our time.
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Selected Poems
Concerned with the often painful historical legacies of family and race, Harper re-visits personal and black history in these poems, in which we not only hear the driving syncopations and heady improvisations of Coltrane, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis but also the cadences of those towering literary figures - among them Yeats and Keats - that have so much influenced him.
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The Art of Stealing Time
Controversial, funny, stimulating and thought-provoking, The Art of Stealing Time gives us a unique insight into the mind and working methods of one of the most significant composers alive today. This is, without doubt, a book to return to again and again.
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A Constant Level of Illumination
Donald Atkinson deals in serious and considered themes - including violence, cruelty and arguments about war. He creates telling imagery and narrative... shown in a moving series of dramatic monologues.
Stella Stocker, Wayfarers 90
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£10.99£9.89 available - Signed by author
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